Clinical Research Online Training in Hyderabad
Clinical Research Online Training:
Course Structure
Course's Key Highlights
Topics include
- Phase of clinical trials,
- Protection of human subjects,
- Roles of the clinical research teams,
- Responsibilities of clinical research organizations;
Upon completion, students should be able to prepare an organizational chart depicting a typical research team,defining the roles or responsibilities of each member.
The student should also be able to describe the product approval process and discuss the general conduct of a typical clinical trial.
Clinical Research Terminology
This course is designed to enhance and augment the student’s knowledge of basic medical terminology.
- Acronyms,
- Abbreviations,
- Initials commonly used in clinical research
- Terminology associated with pharmaceutical
- Pharmacological research.
Upon completion, students will be able utilize and apply standard research terminology in effective written and verbal communication.
Clinical Research Regulations
This course covers the range of national and international regulations governing the development of drugs, diagnostics, medical devices, and biologics.
- A review of the regulatory agencies,
- Guidelines for regulatory application,
- Required documentation,
- Preparation for compliance audits
Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of regulatory processes associated with clinical research and describe effective means of compliance.
Research Protocol Design
This course introduces the student to the scientific development of research protocols and their key elements.
- The differentiation between research design types,
- Rules for writing protocols,
- Ethical considerations relative to research protocols,
- The correct preparation of data collection forms.
Upon completion, the student will be able to identify the primary components of protocols and effectively develop a protocol draft.
Clinical Research Management
This course introduces the student to the elements involved in implementing and managing a clinical study.
- Overall project planning,
- Development of study goals,
- Preparation of budget and contracts,
- Implementation of monitoring visits,
- Effective management of research sites.
Upon completion, students should be able to design and prepare a plan for the implementation and management of a sample clinical research project.
Research Fieldwork I
This course provides supervised work experience and observation in a clinical research setting. Emphasis is on the enhancement of professional skills and the practical application of curriculum concepts in the research setting.
Upon completion, students should be able to apply research theory effectively to clinical research practices.
Introduction To Clinical Data
This course covers the collection, organization, and management of study data. Topics include
- Database structures,
- Data management systems,
- Quality assurance,
- Data collection and capture,
- Data confidentiality and security.
Upon completion, students should be able to describe the data management team and effectively organize, enter, and review data.
Data Management Concepts
This course is designed to discuss the elements involved in implementing and managing a clinical study from the perspective of the Data Manager.
- Development of the data management plan,
- Coordination of data collection and capture,
- Plan the closure and archival of study materials and participate in project management activities
Upon completion, students should be able to design, prepare and execute a complete data management plan for the implementation and management of a sample clinical research project.
Research Site Management
This course covers the guidelines and methodology of research site management and the recruitment of research sites, investigators, and subjects.
- The identification and evaluation of sites and investigators,
- On-site budget management,
- The coordination of subject participation
Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate the principles and practices of effective research site management.
Data Collection
This course is designed to instruct the student on the data collection, validation and quality assurance processes of a clinical research study as conducted by the data management staff.
- The development and implementation of data review and data collection,
- The development of the validation program and the function,
- Conduct and followup of a quality assurance audit of data.
Upon completion, students should be able to develop and implement a plan for data collection, validation and quality assurance for a clinical research study..
Data Trends And Reporting
This course covers the reporting of clinical trial data including identification of safety and efficacy trends in the data.
- Generation of tables,
- Listing and graphs,
- The identification and reporting of data trends,
- The generation of various types of study reports.
Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the process for review and reporting of clinical trial data results.
Research Fieldwork II
This course provides more advanced work experience in a clinical research setting. Emphasis is on the refinement of professional skills and the practice of curriculum concepts in diverse clinical research areas.
Upon completion, students will be able to apply research theory to clinical practices.
Why Learn from Clinical Research Online training Zixiq?
Future and career of you bestow in choosing the best Clinical Research training platform you could afford. By opting our top Clinical Research Online Training program you open up to amazing opportunities like:
- Without wasting time, learn from any corner of the world
- Learn the perspective of data science with machine language
- Get thoroughly with the latest updates, industry needs, specifications, etc
- Clinical Research Online training enhances you with real-time projects, material and examples
- Get hands-on experience with the latest tools and techniques
- Get material to your mail with various examples
- Clinical Research zixiq will be one call away from you 24/7
Clinical Research zixiq understands your stability, passion, and requirements than any other. Join the best Clinical Research online training platform today and explore your career options.