Cypress Online Training in Hyderabad
Course Structure
Course's Key Highlights
Introduction to Cypress
- What is Cypress?
- Architecture of Cypress
- How it is different from Selenium?
- From website ‘How it works?’
- From website ‘Features’
- Run Sample code and explain Test Runner and Playground.
Installation & Setup
- Prerequisites
- Create a project
- Cypress installation
- Cypress configuration
- Cypress json file
- json
- Explain folder structure
Interaction with Web Elements
- DOM Terminology
- Test Structure
- Types of locators
- First Sample
- Launching URL
- Finding Web elements
- Implict wait, pause and debug
- Saving Subject of the command
- Invoke command
- Checkboxes and Radio buttons
- Lists and Dropdowns
- Web Tables
- Popups and Tooltips
- Handling child windows
- Handling frames
- Cypress Assertions
- Chaining Assertions
- Shadow DOM
Deep Diving into Cypress commands and its Asynchronous Nature
- Understanding get and find commands
- Grabbing the text for validations using cypress text command
- Understanding the diff between Jquery methods and cypress commands
- Handling Async promises with Cypress
- Handling invisible elements in cypress
Cypress Basics
- Running tests in Headless mode
- Implicit Waits, pause, debug
- Validating counts of elements on the page
- Cypress logs
- Browser Refresh and reload
- Variables and aliases
- Screenshots
Cypress Advanced
- Environment variables
- Using Fixtures
- Custom commands
- Hooks
- POM in cypress
- BDD with Cucumber
- Mocks and Stub
- API testing
- Cypress Retries
- Cypress Reporters
- Running different browsers
- Cross Browser Testing
- Visual Testing
- Cypress Dashboard
- Cypress End-to-End Testing
- Cypress testing in CI environment
- Introduction to Git
- Introduction to Jenkins
- Running Cypress testing in different browser from Jenkins
Why Learn from Cypress Online Training Zixiq?
Future and career of you bestow in choosing the best Cypress training platform you could afford. By opting our top Cypress Online Training program you open up to amazing opportunities like:
- Without wasting time, learn from any corner of the world
- Learn the perspective of data science with machine language
- Get thoroughly with the latest updates, industry needs, specifications, etc
- Cypress Online training enhances you with real-time projects, material and examples
- Get hands-on experience with the latest tools and techniques
- Get material to your mail with various examples
- Cypress zixiq will be one call away from you 24/7
Cypress zixiq understands your stability, passion, and requirements than any other. Join the best Cypress online training platform today and explore your career options.