Hadoop Online Training in Hyderabad
Course Structure
Course's Key Highlights
- Introduction to Big Data and Analytics
- Introduction to Hadoop
- Hadoop ecosystem - Concepts
- Hadoop Map-reduce concepts and features
- Developing the map-reduce Applications
- Pig concepts
- Hive concepts
- Sqoop concepts
- Flume Concepts
- Oozie workflow concepts
- Impala Concepts
- Hue Concepts
- HBASE Concepts
- ZooKeeper Concepts
- Real Life Use Cases
Reporting Tool
- Tableau
1. Virtualbox/VM Ware
- Basics
- Installations
- Backups
- Snapshots
2. Linux
- Basics
- Installations
- Commands
3. Hadoop
- Why Hadoop?
- Scaling
- Distributed Framework
- Hadoop v/s RDBMS
- Brief history of hadoop
4. Setup hadoop
- Pseudo mode
- Cluster mode
- Ipv6
- Ssh
- Installation of java, hadoop
- Configurations of hadoop
- Hadoop Processes ( NN, SNN, JT, DN, TT)
- Temporary directory
- UI
- Common errors when running hadoop cluster, solutions
5. HDFS- Hadoop distributed File System
- HDFS Design and Architecture
- HDFS Concepts
- Interacting HDFS using command line
- Interacting HDFS using Java APIs
- Dataflow
- Blocks
- Replica
6. Hadoop Processes
- Name node
- Secondary name node
- Job tracker
- Task tracker
- Data node
7. Map Reduce
- Developing Map Reduce Application
- Phases in Map Reduce Framework
- Map Reduce Input and Output Formats
- Advanced Concepts
- Sample Applications
- Combiner
8. Joining datasets in Mapreduce jobs
- Map-side join
- Reduce-Side join
9. Map reduce customization
- Custom Input format class
- Hash Partitioner
- Custom Partitioner
- Sorting techniques
- Custom Output format class
10. Hadoop Programming Languages :-
- Introduction
- Installation and Configuration
- Interacting HDFS using HIVE
- Map Reduce Programs through HIVE
- HIVE Commands
- Loading, Filtering, Grouping
- Data types, Operators
- Joins, Groups
- Sample programs in HIVE
- Basics
- Installation and Configurations
- Commands
11. Introduction
12. The Motivation for Hadoop
- Problems with traditional large-scale systems
- Requirements for a new approach
13. Hadoop: Basic Concepts
- An Overview of Hadoop
- The Hadoop Distributed File System
- Hands-On Exercise
- How MapReduce Works
- Hands-On Exercise
- Anatomy of a Hadoop Cluster
- Other Hadoop Ecosystem Components
14. Writing a MapReduce Program
- The MapReduce Flow
- Examining a Sample MapReduce Program
- Basic MapReduce API Concepts
- The Driver Code
- The Mapper
- The Reducer
- Hadoop's Streaming API
- Using Eclipse for Rapid Development
- Hands-on exercise
- The New MapReduce API
15. Common MapReduce Algorithms
- Sorting and Searching
- Indexing
- Machine Learning With Mahout
- Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency
- Word Co-Occurrence
- Hands-On Exercise.
16.PIG Concepts.
- Data loading in PIG.
- Data Extraction in PIG.
- Data Transformation in PIG.
- Hands on exercise on PIG.
17. Hive Concepts.
- Hive Query Language.
- Alter and Delete in Hive.
- Partition in Hive.
- Indexing.
- Joins in Hive.Unions in hive.
- Industry specific configuration of hive parameters.
- Authentication & Authorization.
- Statistics with Hive.
- Archiving in Hive.
- Hands-on exercise
18. Working with Sqoop
- Introduction.
- Import Data.
- Export Data
- Sqoop Syntaxs.
- Databases connection.
- Hands-on exercise
19. Working with Flume
- Introduction.
- Configuration and Setup.
- Flume Sink with example.
- Channel.
- Flume Source with example.
- Complex flume architecture.
20. OOZIE Concepts
21. IMPALA Concepts
22. HUE Concepts
23. HBASE Concepts
24. ZooKeeper concepts
Reporting Tool
Course Topics
What is visual analysis?
Strengths/weakness of the visual system.
Laying the Groundwork for Visual Analysis
Analytical Process
Preparing for analysis
Getting, Cleaning and Classifying Your Data
Cleaning, formatting and reshaping.
Using additional data to support your analysis.
Data classification
Visual Mapping Techniques
Visual Variables : Basic Units of Data Visualization
Working with Color
Marks in action: Common chart types
Solving Real-World Problems with Visual Analysis
Getting a Feel for the Data- Exploratory Analysis.
Making comparisons
Looking at (co-)Relationships.
Checking progress.
Spatial Relationships.
Try, try again.
Communicating Your Findings
Fine-tuning for more effective visualization
Storytelling and guided analytics
Why Learn from Hadoop Online Training Zixiq?
Future and career of you bestow in choosing the best Hadoop platform you could afford. By opting our top Hadoop Online Training program you open up to amazing opportunities like:
- Without wasting time, learn from any corner of the world
- Learn the perspective of data science with machine language
- Get thoroughly with the latest updates, industry needs, specifications, etc
- Hadoop Online training enhances you with real-time projects, material and examples
- Get hands-on experience with the latest tools and techniques
- Get material to your mail with various examples
- Hadoop zixiq will be one call away from you 24/7
Hadoop zixiq understands your stability, passion, and requirements than any other. Join the best Hadoop online training platform today and explore your career options.