Protractor Online Training in Hyderabad
Course Structure
Course's Key Highlights
- Pre-requisites
- Installing JDK AND JS
- Installing Protractor on Windows
- Sublime Test IDE and Configuring build system
- Running the first Protractor Test
- Installing Eclipse and Turn Plug-in
Protractor Basics
- Selenium Web Drive Protractor
- Architecture
- Understanding the js file
- Understanding Describe and It blocks and writing test cases
- Adding validations using Jasmine Expect
Jasmine Basics
- Setting up Jenkins with Python, git, maven, etc
- Running first Jenkins job
- Running multiple Jenkins job via Jenkins Pipeline
- Emailing Reports via Jenkins
- Scheduler in Jenkins
- About Angular Js Locators
- By Model, By ClassName By ButtonText
- By Binding, By ID
- By Repeater
- By Add locators
- Select Wrapper Class
- Generating Logs
- Generating Jasmine2 HTML Reports
- Generating Allure Reports
- Installing Maven and Generating HTML Reports
- Understanding Package.json file and its Usage
- Data Driven Testing
- Reading data and
- locators through JSON files
- Parameterization using Jasmine Data Providers
- Reading Excel files
- E2E testing on AngularJS Banking Application
- Automating Customer Login
- Automating Bank Manager Login
- Page Object Model – Framework (Live Project)
- Automating Customer Login
- Introduction To pages object Model
- Creating Architecture and adding business pages
- Adding common JSON file for locator and test Data
- Adding the Page object design patters
- Adding More Business Pages and Test Cases.
- Handling Non-Angular Elements
- Automating a Login Window
- Handing Tabs and popup
Why Learn from Protractor Online Training Zixiq?
Future and career of you bestow in choosing the best Protractor platform you could afford. By opting our top v Online Training program you open up to amazing opportunities like:
- Without wasting time, learn from any corner of the world
- Learn the perspective of data science with machine language
- Get thoroughly with the latest updates, industry needs, specifications, etc
- Protractor Online training enhances you with real-time projects, material and examples
- Get hands-on experience with the latest tools and techniques
- Get material to your mail with various examples
- Protractor zixiq will be one call away from you 24/7
Protractor zixiq understands your stability, passion, and requirements than any other. Join the best Protractor online training platform today and explore your career options.