Terraform Online Training in Hyderabad
Course Structure
Course's Key Highlights
1 Introduction to Terraform (30 mins)
a. Introduction to DevOps
b. Introduction to Infrastructure-As-Code (IaC) Tools
c. How Terraform functions as IaC Tool
d. How Terraform compares vis-a-vis of other IaC Tools
2. Getting Started (30 mins)
a. Installing Terraform
i. Installing on Windows
ii. Installing on Linux
iii. Installing on Mac
b. Setting up AWS Account
3. Beginning Infrastructure Automation with Terraform (30 mins)
a. Create an EC2 instance using AWS Console
b. Create an EC2 Instance using Terraform
c. Create an EC2 Instance as Webserver using Terraform
4. Understanding HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language) (60 mins)
a. Terraform Variables
b. Conditional Expressions
c. Terraform Functions
d. Dynamic Blocks
e. Output Attributes
f. Data Sources
5. Advanced Infrastructure Automation with Terraform (120 mins)
a. Create an EC2 Instance within VPC
b. Create an EC2 Instance with EBS Volume
c. Create an RDS Instance
d. Create an Auto Scaling Group (ASG)
e. Create an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)
6. State Management with Terraform (30 mins)
a. Local State using state file
b. Remote State using backend
c. Isolating state using workspaces
7. Terraform CLI usage (30 mins)
Why Learn from Terraform Online Training Zixiq?
Future and career of you bestow in choosing the best Terraform platform you could afford. By opting our top Terraform Online Training program you open up to amazing opportunities like:
- Without wasting time, learn from any corner of the world
- Learn the perspective of data science with machine language
- Get thoroughly with the latest updates, industry needs, specifications, etc
- Terraform Online training enhances you with real-time projects, material and examples
- Get hands-on experience with the latest tools and techniques
- Get material to your mail with various examples
- Terraform zixiq will be one call away from you 24/7
Terraform zixiq understands your stability, passion, and requirements than any other. Join the best Terraform online training platform today and explore your career options.