Workday Online Training in Hyderabad
Course Structure
Course's Key Highlights
Introduction To Workday
- Stores data as Object model;Show Login screen worklets, Dashboards,Inbox,filter excel export etc
- Navigation: Landing Pages and the Inbox (FREE)
- Navigation: Links & Related Actions (FREE)
- Navigation: Search Features (FREE)
- Navigation: Configuring Worklets (FREE)
- Types - Company, Cost center, region,supervisory etc Significance of supervisory
- Show a supervisory org in tenant
- Supervisory Organization events - Assign, Sub ordinate, Divide
- Supervisory Organization ODEs(LMS)
- Location Organization
- Sub ordinate Supervisory org - create two levels
- Divide supervisory org - one
- Create company organization
- Organization assignments
- Configure cost center hierarchies(Exam config)
- Configure Supervisory Organizations(Exam config)
Staffing Model
- Staffing Models Overview
- Position Management
- Job Management
- Hiring restrictions
- Create position through Org
- Edit supervisory org for staffing model - Job management enabled
Jobs And Positions
- Job profile, Job families, Create positions
- Staffing Positions ODEs ODEs(LMS)
- Create a job profile
- Create positions and set hiring restrictions
- Grades,plan,eligiblity rules etc
- Create compensation eligiblity rule + Hire employee
- Create compensation structure by creating 2 plans, compensation grade,
- compensation package
- Configuring Compensation(Exam config)
Configurable Security
- Types of security groups, roles, domain security, business process security
- Explain what is domain, business process
- Security reports
- Configurable Security Overview ODE(LMS)
- Create User-Based Security Group ODE(LMS)
- Activate and Assign User-Based Security Group ODE(LMS)
- Organizations Overview ODE(LMS)
- Security Groups ODE(LMS)
- Identify which security group access required for Emergency contacts
- Modify Business process security
- Configure Role based security group(Address and contact change partner)
- Configure Security role based(Constrained) - Copy HR Partner
- Configure User based security group
- Configure Job based security group
- Role based security to enable setup access(Exam config)
Business Process
- Basic concept, copy business process, show with hire bp as example
- Business Process Definitions ODE(LMS)
- Locate and Edit Business Process Definitions ODE(LMS)
- Add Notifications to a Business Process ODE(LMS)
- Create Business Process Condition Rules ODE(LMS)
- Edit bp for hire employees in one of the step, add restrictionsm condition rule
- Copy hire bp
- Show a full bp with various steps
- Test the bp by hiring to see approvals are going to the respective person
- Hire employee with compensation defaulted, terminate employee,
- move employee, contract contingent worker,
- convert contingent worker to employee, maintain contract ,maintain probation period,maintain notice period
- Cancel,rescind,correction,mass cancel,mass rescind,mass cancel to do ,reassign delegations,mass advance business process
Testing Approach
- Complete end to end test process
Workday Deployment Methodology
- Implemenation process
- Migration tools
Workday Update Management
- Workday Update management
Why Learn from Workday Online Training Zixiq?
Future and career of you bestow in choosing the best Workday training platform you could afford. By opting our top Workday Online Training program you open up to amazing opportunities like:
- Without wasting time, learn from any corner of the world
- Learn the perspective of data science with machine language
- Get thoroughly with the latest updates, industry needs, specifications, etc
- Workday Online training enhances you with real-time projects, material and examples
- Get hands-on experience with the latest tools and techniques
- Get material to your mail with various examples
- Workday zixiq will be one call away from you 24/7
Workday zixiq understands your stability, passion, and requirements than any other. Join the best Workday online training platform today and explore your career options.